What Standards does BB comply
Does BB certified for any standards e.g. in the area of Document Management I see
Similarly on Cloud Security - ISMS Cloud Security
Project Management Standards or Govt related and domain related (e.g in Aerospace each document should be maintained with all the versions for 100 years etc) etc
Any URL, where I can see the list of standards in each of the functional areas that BB supports..
If the answer is no standards are supported yet, any plans for the future and what priority they are being planned?
Looking for insights from BB product evangelists..
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Interesting question. I certainly don't know all standards that it meets but I Googled "bluebeam certified" and found at least one interesting result. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs does not approve the use of Bluebeam except under very specific circumstances due to security vulnerabilities of cloud based file sharing and the "rapid release schedule" causing difficulties in wide-spread usage.
Most relevant is that they found:
"There is no indication based on available vendor documentation that this technology is Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 compliant."
BIM Designer - Columbus, OH
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Thank You.
Any reference case studies of BB being used in govt projects such as
- Space
- Airport
- Shipyard
- Roads
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Thank You, what sectors it is difficult to sell BB.. e.g space, airline, rail or road, shipyard etc..especially when the aim is to get to govt or high-scale infra.
is there a list of case studies listed anywhere online to know if BB is used in above areas and how the reulsts were..0
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