Is there any cost advantage (ROI) calculator excel sheet
I am looking for an Excel template that takes the number of site engineers and workplaces of big AECO companies and calculates if BB is used, and what is the cost-saving yearly.
I found this link has a bit, in line with what I am looking for, which helps in ROI calculations, I am unsure what formula is used to show the end savings of 11x, and taking more parameters in calculations can better capture all the realistic organization parameters, also, need an option to calculate ROI INR.
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Looking for master salespeople to contribute, who present the ROI of the product through more detailed Excel sheet <if they can make it public>
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I've just looked at the ROI calculator and put in the details for one of the companies that I work for. I would love to know how they work the savings figures out!
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vfrench, l would be glad, if you can give your real numbers of savings and how that matches with ROI calculator of BB..
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