Preset Server Region via command line switch

Bluebeam Revu needs a command line switch like /server:Germany, to preset the server, so that the Revu user does not get a server choice when logging in.

Literally all our customers need this. Since the introduction of release 21, we at IDEOMA have a constant job of making sure that people pick the right server, while computers can do that for us. Only recently we've wasted Bluebeam Support's precious time on moving one account's users from the UK server to the German server, because this customer had overlooked our instructions.

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  • We switched from England to Germany. (Bluebeam did that for us)

    After that we still only could connect to the UK version. The license was still there.
    Germany was the account unknown or unlicensed.

    We had to remove the license and the account.
    Create a new account and give the license to the user.

    After that some users still can connect to england but nog license.
    Because of the law and privacy we need to remove our users on the England server.