How do you rotate the image preview?
When I attach an image it comes in sideways and the preview is sideways also. Is the a setting that controls that?
This post fell below the fold for me so I'm late to respond. The first thing that comes to mind is maybe your view is rotated (vs the page). Does this happen for all users? All your files? Can you share a file that does this?
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It's the image when you attach it. The preview is also rotated.
The drawing is ok as landscape. when I rotate it from the View menu it rotates the whole drawing, which I don't want.
This is an image (pictures in JPG form) the pictures after have to be rotated 90d but the preview of the image stays sideways. as you can see the preview is rotated and stays that way, so the image comes in rotated then I have to rotate it.
oh all pictures on the computer are not rotated.
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This is strange. We might need staff support for this one. @Marco M is there someone here who can help with this issue?
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@ruizro From what I can tell it appears that the image itself is not rotated correctly. The best way to test this would be to open then image in your typical image viewer, rotate it, save it and then see if the next time you go to add that image if it adds in a different orientation.
if the file is rotated in the file viewer it will import rotated as well.
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OK tried that. no luck. an earlier version did not do that.
I'm using x64 21.3
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OK got it.
When you create a new pdf it is set to portrait which the image(s) comes in sideways.
If you set it to landscape, they (images ) come in not rotated. Also if you change an existing file to Landscape it fixes it. 😑
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