Showing who has a PDF file open.
Just curious if there is a feature that can be added. The company I work for uses a network that will give access to pdf drawing files and the files are locked when someone has them open. I am wondering if there is a way we can add the feature to see who has the file open instead of it saying "locked by another user" as the attachment says. We use Microsoft Office software too and they will tell us who has the file open when it is locked. I've attached an example from a locked file on Excel.
Most of the time waiting for the file to unlock is not an issue but my job requires to me to edit PDF files on time sensitive issues. Having a feature where I can see who has the file open be able to quickly contact them would help me in many ways.
Brilliant Idea! Make it happen Bluebeam. 😁
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Yes please!!!!!!!
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The reason that we haven't built this yet is that there is not a reliable way to detect who has the file locked. Excel solves this by writing a hidden temp file to the network share with the username in it. We have identified some risk with this approach because that temp file can get out of sync and lead to errors.
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