Looking for a Better way to Batch Compare and Slip Sheet using Sessions

Rick Kremer
Rick Kremer Posts: 6
edited November 2024 in Peer Support

Hi Folks!!!

Hope you all are doing well. I have a question for you all.. I'm looking to see if anyone has come up with a better way to perform a batch ''Drawing Compare", and then update drawings in a session that show the revised sheets along with the rev clouds created in "Batch Compare"???

In short… here is the way I do it… Maybe there's a better mouse trap out there….?

Overall Steps

1- Within the Session, save file locally to desktop.

2- Use Batch Compare on Local PDF to Revised drawings to create "Comparison pdfs"

3- Batch Slip just the Comparison sheets with Rev clouds to the local file.

4- Upload new Local with slip sheeted files to Session.

5- Remove older duplicate file from Session…..

ufffffff. Lots o steps…. Lets hear from you all if you've got a better way… thanks all.!!!

Heck who knows… maybe it will be a "new feature" nudge… nudge…. :-)

Rick Kremer, Bluebeam Certified Instructor & Enthusiast on Everything Blue



