Escape Ampersand (&) Character in Text Fields and Page Labels
The ampersand character being the default menu access character is not being properly escaped in some areas of the app. Whenever an ampersand is used in a Label field or in a Page Label, it is converted into an underscore (_) elsewhere as if it's being interpreted as a menu access character. For example, if I enter "This & That" in the Label field, it shows as "This _ That" in the autocomplete list. Likewise, if a Page Label contains an ampersand, that ampersand is converted to an underscore in any flags made from that page. It's a minor nuisance but may be occurring in many more areas than I've found.
Testing this in your Label —> Flag example, it looks like you can escape the ampersand character ("&&") so that it renders correctly as text rather than a special-use character, but only in the 'downstream' use. E.g. "This && That" appears to render correctly in the flag created for the page, but you're stuck with "&&" in the original Page Label. Definitely not being treated consistently. 🙄
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