Is there a way to merge form tools?
Sebastian Cuesta
Posts: 1
Can I assign a drop-down item, for example "glass inspection" to specific boxes, and "caulking" to other specific boxes?
If you are asking if it possible to auto-populate checkboxes based upon what is selected in a dropdown, then the answer is yes, but it involves javascript. See the attached sample. There is a document level script that would need to be tweaked for your use case:
var dropdown = this.getField("Dropdown");
dropdown.setAction("Keystroke", "processKeystroke(event)");
function processKeystroke(event) {
if (event.changeEx === "")
event.rc = true;
var val = event.changeEx;
this.getField("A").value = (val === "A+C") ? "Yes" : "";
this.getField("B").value = (val === "B+D") ? "Yes" : "";
this.getField("C").value = (val === "A+C") ? "Yes" : "";
this.getField("D").value = (val === "B+D") ? "Yes" : "";
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