Insert Sheet Into Multiple PDFs - Batch Insert

Is there a way to insert a single page pdf into multiple pdfs?
I need to update the title sheet of multiple pdf's. I insert the standard PDF then update a few of the text as needed.
While there isn't a Batch Insert function, I was able to come up with a workaround that may help. Feel free to give feedback or different recommendations if anyone has them!
What I did was use the Batch Slipsheet function.
Unfortunately, when I got to the Match Function, it wouldn't allow me to match one sheet to multiple locations. So I made duplicates of that sheet and then used the function and that worked out.
I chose Manual Correlation before Match Pages.
And manually attached each copy to the first page of each multi-page document I was replacing the title page on.
This did work, and I imagine would still save you time. But, you will still have to take the time to make the copies of the sheet you're looking to insert.
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Keep in mind that Slipsheet may not be an available feature in your version of Bluebeam.
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