Change color of multiple elements at once in 3D Model Tree
We create a lot of 3D PDFs and often times we need to adjust the colors of elements. Currently it is possible to select multiple elements in the 3D Model Tree, but when you go to change the color, it unselects the others. It would be great to be able to change the color of multiple elements at once.
@bbuhr I can see how that can be frustrating. Previously, were you double-clicking the color in the Markups List? I was able to change a lot of elements at once using the Properties Panel. First, I selected the elements in the Model Tree. Then, I selected the color from the panel. It may take a second or two.
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Yes, I had been double-clicking the color in the 3D Model Tree. It does indeed work though if I make the color change in Properties instead. Thanks for the reply Ryan!
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