Status Tracking with Filters
I have been using statuses to track productions on a project I am on each week. This allows me to see where we are as we complete steps of each process on bluebeam.
I have been using filters to sort thru what is tracked each week, and was wondering if we could add some insight to the status column so it is more user friendly.
I noticed that you can use custom filters on a lot of the columns so you can find certain things you are looking for, like "does not contain" or "contains", but the status column does not have this ability. You can only filter the status column by "equals" or "does not equal". So, if I changed the status of an item multiple times, then I can now only find the last-updated change to the status.
- If there was a way to add additional custom filters to this column so you can sort by "contains" for example, or "does not contain", this would help sort through a lot of data.
Additionally, statuses have date stamps associated with them, but you cannot actually sort by this date in the column. This might be more complicated, but maybe a filter could also be used with the "does contain" or you can sort by a range of dates potentially. I have been locking and unlocking the takeoff I have to sort thru what I have changed each week.
- If there is a way to separate the dates for updated statuses, or sort by date updated, it would make it more streamline when filtering through the data of what is accomplished in a certain time period.
Finally, I have been using the Bluebeam App for the Ipad, and I think having an ability to filter layers on and off would be amazing in the Ipad, similar to what you can do on the computer. Right now, filtering items on the Ipad does not always work properly, and its hard to select certain takeoff from one another.
- Add a feature to hide/show layers in IPad App.
Thanks, and let me know if any of these are possible!
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