Auto complete back to the way it was, Please.
BRING BACK the old auto complete!!!!
The old auto complete would bring up all previous entries starting with the first letter (or two) you typed.
Unfortunately you decided to make it case sensitive, what a pain. now every time I want to search for a previous entry i have to remember if it was capitalized when i put it in or more tediously i have to hit the shift key and start with a capitol letter, REALLY time consuming and unproductive. Also the pop up that comes up covers what i am typing in, so i cannot see where i am in the typing process or maybe just trying to correct a mistake. WHY does it cover up what i am typing, and i cannot move the list? Previously it would show you the cell you were in and put a list to the side or above/below, not cover it up? PLEASE rethink this "New productive Feature" and abolish it!! Thanks.
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