We (Stam + De Koning, part of Volkerwessels) are exploring if Bluebeam Revu 21 is suitable for implementing 5D-BIM within our workflow of calculating construction projects. The main requirement is to substract reliable BIM-data based on IFC (OpenBIM).
Based on my previous contact with the Technical Support Team (Adam Psota) , I know that the problem lies in the conversion of the IFC format to a U3D format.
In this conversion Bluebeam creates an extra subdivision in some elements that does not match the IFC object (and there properties) . Because of this, the represented data in Bluebeam is not reliable to calculate quantities.
Correct IFC breakdown structure of the selected window object within Solibri (see sreenshot below)
The 3D modelstructure within Bluebeam adds an extra level (subdivision) in the breakdown structure that’s NOT in the IFC-model. (see screenshot below)
- There is no metadata (ifc properties) on the main level of this window object (compare to Solibri)
- Because the object is broken down into separate parts, it becomes a long and confusing list
When the structure (U3D) in Bluebeam matches the standard IFC model structure, it has a high potential to be adopted as a 5D-BIM tool. Not only by us, but by many other construction companies as well.
I hope you see this as a valuable improvement for the development of Bluebeam.
If you are open to this, I am willing to explain this topic further in an online Teams meeting.