Is it possible to mix text styles within a single sticky note?
I'd like to be able to provide mixed text styles (italics, bold, etc.) within a single sticky note. I want to write commentary in the sticky note in italics and then provide actual direction and/or formal comments in standard (unitalicized) text. I don't want two notes, because then somebody has to open both to see all the text.
This does not seem possible at the moment unless I am missing something. I usually modify sticky note text style using ctrl+I, ctrl +B, etc. on windows
Best Answer
Yes! There is an option in the preferences Interface → Markups List → Use Rich Text for Comments
I didn't realize this works as a way to get both mixed texts (usually I use the shortcuts and then start typing rather than highlighting later).
However, that raises a new question - can I get those text formats to show up in the markup list as formatted?
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For now the Markup list doesn't show formatting. I could potentially see this of use with the markup list reports, retaining the formatting when the report is generated. At this time though I have not had that requirement myself.
@Sarah, If the text is important enough to need formating, why are you using a Note which has reduced visibility on the document? Typically i encourage people to make their markups visible and the post it note is something I actively discourage using as people (of various usability levels) tend to overlook the Note (also same reason why i don't encourage the use of the 'Reply' feature right now as people don't consistently use the markup list).
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To clarify, I am usually leaving these notes on text-based PDFs, rather than plans. I know this is not what Bluebeam is optimized for, but I'm trying to shift away from Adobe to BB for all PDFs - right now I'm using BB for 90% of the work and then Adobe for this process. I use the Note instead of just writing the markup on the document for a few reasons:
- Note text tends to be too lengthy to just write on the document, sometimes several hundred words.
- We write our formal final comment in the note text which is then copied into a web-based system that is actually used to generate formal comment letters from reviewing agency. Thus the workflow for this particular process forces people to look at notes/note list (or comments/comment list in Adobe)
I'd love to be able to just copy the comments out of the markup list into the web-based software, but since I do not know what is comment in standard text, and what is commentary in italics, it's not possible. Super specific use case, I know.
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