Different Highlighting Colors being able to be saved into "my tools"
Is there anyway that we could be able to save multiple different highlighting colors into "My Tools" toolbox? This would make reviewing documents so much easier and quicker. As of now, we can only have (1) color assigned to the (H) key and it cannot be saved to "My Tools".
I'm not sure how, but I have a Highlight tool in "MyToolbox" It was just one but right-clicking allowed me to duplicate and then I just changed the color for each copy. SO it can be done. I just don't know how to get the Highlight into my toolbox if it isn't already there.
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This is already possible. You have to draw a free-hand highlight (it can't be a highlight that is anchored/attached to searchable text) i.e. draw a highlight in an open space, away from text. Then you can right-click and add to My Tools.
Then you can duplicate as Luke suggests and change the color for quick access to a variety of different highlight colors.
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@Jared Adler - Bluebeam CSM the only problem with the method you describe is it adds the highlight shape itself (#4-5). The one's I'm seeing are the highlight tool instead (#1-3). How can we add the tool?
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It looks like that tool is in Drawing Mode, which will create an exact copy of the saved markup.
You want to change it to Properties Mode to match the others, this will enable you to create a new custom markup with the saved properties. To change this simply double-click on it in the Tool Chest to toggle modes, or right-click on it and select Properties Mode.
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