Centralized Management of Studio Sessions
As a global admin, I can't see studio sessions that have been created unless I have been invited, and I can't edit or share them unless I've been given full control by the person who created the session. On many occasions, we have come across issues where we end up with multiple studio sessions for a single project because someone is on vacation or leaves the company with no way of us being able to easily "take over" the management if it wasn't allowed prior.
It would also be great to have the ability to add and remove people to multiple sessions at the same time. If we have a couple dozen active sessions going on and hire a new person, we have to go in and add them manually to each one (and add the extra inconvenience of needing to track down who created the session if they haven't fixed the permissions) and it becomes a headache.
With centralized management, it could also give us the opportunity to audit sessions and delete/archive them when they are no longer relevant.
please make this happen! 😭
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