Documents section in Bluebeam Cloud App
You can upload documents the cloud portal and access them via a web browser but theres no section for documents on the app, this would be great as you can upload install guides, technical datasheets and crucial project information to the app and the trade staff can read it on site or the PM can access it during site inspections. Also FRIs and Defects should be enabled for free users, if the tradesman has a problem or question they cant lodge it through the app because they dont pay for bluebeam, which makes it less of a collaboration tool
Hey Brandon,
Great question! With the recent launch of Studio Sessions on the Web, soon coming to mobile, we're addressing the need for seamless access to project documents across devices. We're actively evaluating ways to ensure your project documents are available on both web and mobile platforms, including Revu. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development!
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