Stop sessions from being deleted
We require sessions to be accessible for 1 year. Having to stop sessions from being archived/permanently deleted regularly is a pain point our staff have communicated. We would appreciate the option to remove the automatic sessions deletion feature.
Studio Sessions archive after 90 days of inactivity; however Studio Projects are never marked for archival or deletion. For your purposes, we would recommend creating a project, storing your documents in the project, and then creating sessions in the project as needed. This will allow you to track the data in your session, even after it's archived for inactivity. Additionally, new sessions can be opened within the project at any time. The following article has further details on how to accomplish this.
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Thank you for the idea, however that will not work for us. We really just need to sessions to at least have a 1 year life cycle, is that possible?
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HI again, further to this, staff that join the session say they are receiving the reminder emails that the session will be deleted in 10 days. Is there a way we can set this to only send the email to the creator of the session?
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