Allow to delete RFI

May Tai
May Tai Posts: 1
edited May 2024 in Product Ideas & Feedback

I am new to Bluebeam Cloud. I have created a new project for our team, and am tested how to use Bluebeam Cloud.

However, I find that once I created something in here, it is hard to delete anything. Eg: I created a Team, but can't delete it, could only rename it.

Also, I have created two RFIs to test out the system, but then I am not able to delete them. As these are just the test, I do not want to mess up the real project RFI Log.

Also, in the discussion section under an RFI, it is only allow to have one discussion, and when the question was reply, the person who ask the question does not receive a notification.

Request to add delete function for any of these features.

Overall saying, this should be a good product but is too simplify, is not very useful.

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