Bluebeam Cloud Drawing Sync

Currently, the drawing upload workflow via integration with software like Egnyte requires a "manual" process, navigating and selecting drawing folders to upload to Bluebeam Cloud.

There would be an immense amount of efficiency gained if there was functionality that would automate this upload process. This could be achieved by having designated "all current" folders in Egnyte that would tie and actively sync with drawing sets in Bluebeam Cloud.

This would save time, but more importantly eliminate opportunity for human error. Our company actively pays for a separate piece of software that we would cancel in a heartbeat of Bluebeam Cloud had this functionality.

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  • Alan A.
    Alan A. Posts: 48

    HI @gmarkway thanks for this insightful feedback! A feature like this would be incredibly beneficial. Your feedback helps us understand the priority more clearly.