Hello! hope this message finds you well.
I recently came across a document containing multiple pages and comments on each page. Suppose it's a 30-page document and the pages & comments that apply to me are on 3~9, 14~15, the rest of the comments apply to my team members.
I didn't want to flip thru the in between pages that weren't for me, and i didn't want to delete the pages or rearrange the page order for the sake of record keeping (even tho it's a copy) since the document came from the client. I went searching on google to see if there's a hide/collapse pages function in bluebeam, much like hiding/collapsing grouped rows or columns in excel (and i suppose in word as well when you collapse a section), and couldn't find any. then i reached out to technical support and they directed me here.
i love BB and would love to see a function or similar like this.
thank you for your time!