Having the right Keyboard and Mouse Combo = Gamechanger
I've been using a Logitech Gaming G915 Keyboard and G502 Mouse for a while now and it has been a game changing for me. The reason being is each device allows for user profiles depending on what software you are running. For example, the keyboard has 3 profile buttons at the top of the board and these "quick keys" instantly change the entire profile settings for the keyboard. I've set each of the 3 profiles to do different things and one of my profiles is strictly bluebeam, so when i hit the M2 button on my keyboard, it changes all the buttons to do things i've preselected it to do for bluebeam like quickly active certain measurement tools or even instantly type out long passwords for logging in. The mouse also I believe has 15 different points you can set to do a range of things and i use it alot to cycle between the mouse speeds when i'm trying to get my pointer to the right spot on a set of drawings or I also have it set to cycle specifically through bluebeam drawings. These are just a fraction of the things it can do but it you are in AEC and use blue beam…upgrade your keyboard and mouse setting because you can program them to do alot of the tasks you wish bluebeam had quick keys or shortcuts for.
Hey @jmontgomery this is a great tip and thanks so much for posting! I'm going to move this discussion over to the right category in Tips & Tricks since this isn't necessarily Product Feedback for us, but rather a tip for all other Bluebeamers. Thanks again for sharing :)
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