BlueBeam Studio - Master User
It would be greatly beneficial if you could add a checkbox to be able set one person to have a master role within a BlueBeam studio session. This would allow that one person to have full control of the session (remove or edit other peoples markups etc and do general tidy up of markups, add in pages and remove pages of a set). This would also resolve the issue of no one being able to remove markups that were added to the set before it was uploaded to the studio session.
Hello @ALipinski, This is a great suggestion! Could you expand on how much time and effort this would save you?
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Significant amount of time and effort. It is hard to quantify but I know others in my company have the same issue and is a reason in some instances where they decide not to use Bluebeam studio.
For example:
If I want to use a pdf set with markups on Studio I have actually have to upload a duplicate fresh set of drawings to Bluebeam studio with no markups and then transfer the markups across so I can edit them during the studio session.
I have to add additional documents to a studio session rather than amending pages to a current drawing set (which means they are not grouped) or I have to do a 'save as' and remove the original drawing set, amend pages and then reupload the drawing set (and also run into previous example above).
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This would be VERY beneficial, one of the biggest reasons we do not use sessions.
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@Alan A This is a great idea and would be beneficial. This is a commen problem that our permit techs see.
@ALipinski Very Good suggestion!!!!
Be safe. Do good!
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Just adding my voice here as well. We typically run the session as a review platform with the intent of not modifying other people's markups during the review (The reviews are filed afterwards for quality/audit purposes). However I also use a session during live reviews and invite people into the session to participate. I don't need the restrictions for a session like that. It would be good to have the option to either:
- Run a restrictive Studio Session (as it is today, this would be the default)
- Set up a delegate or co-owner of the session (for the use case above or if i go on vacation)
- Set up and unrestricted session (all participants can interact with all content) like a whiteboard (only more functional than the one Microsoft has offered).
There is a 'Full Control' option already but it still restricts interaction with other user's markups.
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I agree with @Duane Gingras with the options presented. This would greatly expand the capabilities of the Studio Sessions and provide the flexibility that I have had hundreds of users ask for.
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I would add that we would also like the ability to restrict users not by individual email address but by domain, so that internal users would be able to join a session easily, but external users would have to be permitted or invited to join
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