Drag and drop document stapling
Hi there, I'd like to see a function that allows for dragging non-PDF documents (MS Word or Excel, for example) straight into an open PDF document's thumbnail tab. Dragging straight from file explorer saves time, steps, and eliminates the need to close and create documents to make this happen in the stapler. Just drag, drop, and save. Foxit Phantom has this feature, and so does Nitro, and these editing programs are less robust and cheaper than bluebeam. It's astounding this feature is not yet available.
Rob Maxwell
(236) 889-3545
Hi @Rob Maxwell,
Thank you for this detailed feedback. I agree, this would be nice for combining non-pdf documents. Is there more you can share around how often you are doing this? And why you are combing files of different formats?
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Hi Alan, I do this multiple times a day, during construction administration processes.
I will combine a transmittal created in either MS Word or Excel with a PDF attachment. In other software programs I would have the PDF file open, drag the transmittal (MS Word or other) straight into the thumbnails, reorder as needed within the thumbnails, and then simply save under the proper file name. Along the same lines, I would often drag pages from open pdf documents to thumbnail section of other open pdf documents. This is easier than right clicking and "extracting". Going back to bluebeam and having the stapler "wizard", I've already accidentally saved over previous "staples", because you have to take the additional step within the wizard to "delete your stapling job". This should happen automatically. How often to you have to go back and "restaple" the same documents? I can't think of an instance where this would be necessary, unless there was a mistake made in filenames, in which case the original "staple" would be useless anyway.
It really just seems much more cumbersome than it needs to be. Both foxit and nitro have very streamlined processes for this function. They have something similar to the stapler when combining files straight out of the file folders, but also offer the other drag and drop function.
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I can definitely see how much time and effort this would save for architects making ASIs or responses to AHJ comments. Likewise, Contractors creating product submittals or substitution requests.
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Thanks so much for this additional detail! It will be very helpful in prioritizing this feedback.
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