My Discussions

When selecting "My Discussions" under Quick Links, it doesn't show any content but the count of discussions is accurately shown. See sample screenshot below. Am I using the feature incorrectly?

RJ Palis, PE


Digital Technology-BIM/VDC Senior Manager

Building & Construction Technologies

(m)213.364.7665 | (e)


  • RJ,

    When I click on the my discussion name it takes me to a screen that shows my discussions. Hope this helps.

    Be safe. Do good!

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 179

    Hey @RJ Palis!

    This is definitely not expected behavior. I'm not able to replicate this, though. Does this still happen when clicking on any My Discussions links? Also, what device are you using (pc/mobile/tablet)?

  • RJ Palis
    RJ Palis Posts: 31

    @Marco @Andy Krogh - it looks like it self-corrected. I see my discussions now. Thank you for looking into this.

    RJ Palis, PE

    AECOM Hunt

    Digital Technology-BIM/VDC Senior Manager

    Building & Construction Technologies

    (m)213.364.7665 | (e)