Milwaukee Bluebeam User Group (MkeBUG)

About MkeBUG

MkeBUG launched in May 2019 as the fifth Bluebeam User Group in the Midwest and started as a simple conversation between an industry professional and Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) professor.

Companies Involved

Riley Construction ▪️ Bray Architects ▪️ Kiewit ▪️ Collins Engineers, Inc. ▪️ CSD Structural Engineers

Meet your local BUG leaders!

Nate Considine

Nate joins the Milwaukee BUG leadership team with nearly a decade of industry experience and is proud to bring his architecture perspective to the group. Nate believes in the power of connecting Revu users with each other and looks forward to helping drive the industry forward with his fellow MkeBUG peers!

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Owner: Angela AffLeaders: Angela AffCreated on February 5, 202433 membersPrivacy: Public


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
