Seattle Bluebeam User Group (SeaBUG)

About SeaBUG

SeaBUG was the first BUG to launch in the Northwest back in 2015. Seattle is known as a technology hotbed with unique building challenges that include density and topography. As construction continues to boom in this market, cranes fill the skyline, and these challenges affect the daily work of SeaBUG members. With that, technology is a tremendous ally to these local professionals.

SeaBUG is excited for continued growth and encourages local industry professionals to join the group!

Examples of Companies Involved

Hoffman Construction ▪️ Howard S. Wright – a Balfour Beatty Company ▪️ Ryan Companies ▪️ PSF Mechanical ▪️ McKinstry ▪️ DLR Group

**ALERT** Lookin for local BUG leaders!

The Seattle BUG needs a local champion to lead the group! Interested in bringing your local industry peers together? Learn more about becoming a BUG Champion.

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Owner: Angela AffLeaders: Angela AffCreated on February 5, 20248 membersPrivacy: Private