Orlando Bluebeam User Group

About OrlBUG

OrlandoBUG was the first BUG to launch in Florida. With a construction boom across the state, designers, builders, engineers and subcontractors alike are excited to share best practices toward increased efficiency in their local market. OrlandoBUG is looking forward to growth and to adding new members to join in the discussions!

Companies Involved

CORE Construction ▪️ DPR Construction ▪️ Comprehensive Energy Services ▪️ Whiting-Turner

Meet your local bug leaders!

Angela Aff

Angela enjoys fostering connections and facilitating user journeys through the Bluebeam User Groups (go BUGS!)


The Orlando BUG needs a local champion to lead the group! Interested in bringing your local industry peers together? Learn more about becoming a BUG Champion.

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Owner: Angela AffLeaders: Angela AffCreated on February 5, 20245 membersPrivacy: Private