Decimal places for Legends

In the legend, how do I control the number of decimal places? I only want to the tenth if not none. Apparently this is not a feature to control the decimals places for Legends.
I choose not to share my pronouns because I do not subscribe to that ideology.
"We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended"
"Seems criminals and bad actors have more rights than law-abiding citizens."
This is a great suggestion, however, for the time being there is a workaround to get to your outcome. You can create a custom column of type formula, and set the expression to be equal to the real column you were using in the legend. In this case I am creating a clone of the "measurement" column which is used to drive the default "Quantity" fields in the legend. With the formula you can now control the number of decimal places to show, and then you can customize the legend to use this new column instead of the original one you were using. Hope this helps!
5 -
Peter you deserve a raise! I will call John and let him know. Much obliged.
I choose not to share my pronouns because I do not subscribe to that ideology.
"We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended"
"Seems criminals and bad actors have more rights than law-abiding citizens."
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