Global Session Administrator

Please allow ability to set a global session admin, or at least the account admin, to take over or transfer ownership of org sessions. If a session creator is unavailable, there is no way to take over the session. If someone goes on vacation and forgets to set full control permissions to another, we have not choice but to create a new session, reupload all files and reinvite all users.

3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Great suggestion. We've run into this issue a number of times. We have a workaround that adds a few people as admins, but its a manual step that often gets forgotten. It's only a matter of time until it causes an issue.

  • Bluebeam Studio Prime would be the answer. Think of this as the "big brother" that has oversight to all things Studio related. What sessions / projects are created. Who's involved in them. What files are being shared. Ability to transfer ownership. Also handling 3rd party integrations and project folder automations.

    Ken Phelps

    Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD

  • We can't use Studio Prime at our organisation in Australia due to our data sovereignty rules.

  • I definitely need a bulk session id ownership transfer capability.