Provide ability to sort order of BB Sessions
Currently the Studio tab displays joined session in a semi-arbitrary order. Possibly it is sorted by most recently marked up by other users, but there is no documentation on how it is actually sorted - all I can see is that every time Bluebeam is opened the session list is different. It is EXTREMELY difficult to find the session you need when it is constantly shifting in position and you cannot in any way organize them.
Provide ability to sort the order of BB Sessions. Possible options include:
- Alphabetical by session name
- By date created
- By date you last visited it
- By session number
- By name of session creator
- By most recent activity
There are other suggestions for adding folders, coloring, flags, etc. I won't repeat those, they are complimentary to this.
Today we can remove sessions from the list but there is no easy way to recall these sessions (you can join via session ID if you have this written down).
I would also like a function to favorite-mark sessions and view only these and/or a function to view "hidden" sessions.
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