User Usage

I would like to request the ability for administrators to view how often users are actively using the platform. Currently, we can only see who has been assigned a license, but we have no way of knowing if a user has never opened the software.

9 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Prior to subscriptions, we had the ability to monitor usage and we would know when we needed to add more seats. We would like a reporting feature added so we know if our users are not using the software. Some of the users we converted never even completed the registration process. We can see that information but we can't see if the user is actually using the software or how often they are using it. This would be helpful information for org-admin users.

    Thank you.

  • I would like this feature too. I have given several users in other departments licenses but no way to tell if they are really using it.😶

  • mmauer
    mmauer Posts: 1

    Adding last login data to the Org Admin platform is being worked on as we speak and will be available early Q3! We are investigating the effort needed to add additional metrics in the future as well.

  • Last login will only help with part of the issue. We used to have the functionality we are asking for back a few years ago, I'm not sure who decided to restrict the much needed Org Admin data.

  • What would be the most helpful data points or insights that you would want to see in Org Admin to help you manage your users?

  • Days Used

    Monthly Average

    Last login

    I'd like atleast the option to see the users title without clicking into each user.

    Right now as you know we have first name, last name, email, and do they in fact have a licenses and whats the status of that license. This is all nice info but it doesn't tell me if someone has had a license for a year and never used it, or if they've only used it 5 days a month.

  • Happy to share that Last Login in now available in the Org Admin portal!

    Thank you for the additional context on the data points that you would find helpful to manage users. We will take a note of these as we work on future releases and improvements to user management functionality.