Same Legend - Multiple Counts - Same Page
The ability to have two separate Legends for the same Count/Markup. The ability to use the same tool set to count (2) separate drawings located on the same page and create two separate legends
Hi Jacob,
There is a way to do this - you need to setup a way to differentiate the counts. I included an example using your drawing and Legend but I added two spaces (you can find more info on spaces here) and called them Unit A and Unit B. I added a column onto each of the Legends by changing their properties to include the "Space" column (like in the screenshot below). This now allows me to have Electrical Duplex counts in each space that get counted separately. You don't necessarily need to use Spaces, but they're the most logical way to divide the counts on the sheet. Hoping this fills the need!
3 -
Thank you! Now how would I do the opposite? I have two counts that were started separately (not resumed), can I merge the two counts together?
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