Quick Link to Groups?
Andy Krogh
Posts: 19
Is there a way to add a quick link to the groups you are in? Or some place in your profile that shows your groups?
I joinedthe SD BUG page and the Global BUG page, but have a hard time finding them quickly.
Be safe. Do good!
Best Answers
Oh interesting, @Andy Krogh! So you're looking for a way to "favorite" your groups in your experience. Let us look into this and see if this is a potential capability!
5 -
Hey @Andy Krogh!. At this time, what you're asking isn't possible within the platform itself, so we've submitted a product suggestion to our vendor. With that said, here's a workaround for you!
1)In the Quick Links section, we added a link called "Groups"
- Click GROUPS
This will take you to all the Groups created.
- Note: This isn’t the best experience, so we created the main BUG landing page for easier navigation.
- HOWEVER, here’s how you can QUICKLY access your different groups.
2) Use the search bar at the top of the page and type in your group.
3) Press ENTER on your keyboard after your search. The group you're looking for will appear.
Hope this helps!
Thank You Angela and all the wonderful Bluebeam Staff!!! This is Perfect! Quick and Easy to find!!!!
Be safe. Do good!
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